Well, it did rain on my parade on Saturday. Not too bad, though. At least we didn't get soaked like last year. If you ever consider being in a parade, first get a long range weather forecast. And practice waving for long periods of time. The float highlighted our church's veggie garden and feeding program. We did not throw the plastic veggies that were on the float. We had people handing out the necessary candy to keep the hoards happy.
The first delivery of veggies for the summer happened on Wednesday!!! Much rejoicing for zucchini! Our garden looks great. We have tomatoes, peppers, melons, cucumbers. Beans being picked on Saturday!! And, knock on wood, everything looks very healthy. Our new location on the grounds is working out great.
I think all I am doing this summer is weed and knit. Trying to exercise, but it is useless. They had member appreciation day at the gym. There was food. This was very wrong. They just want me to work harder. On the needles: a foster child sweater, my Crabby Crafter socks and a darling hat!!!
The laundry gods are calling. Must obey.
Happy Knitting!!!