Sunday, February 20, 2011

Making Lemonade

There we were, just standing when, whip, the rug was tugged out from us!! We never saw it coming. It came out of the blue. Jeff lost his job. It was not a fun event. Just when I thought everything was good. We were in a good position, retirement not that far away. Thinking of warm places to live. And now this. Back to square one.
Hopefully, Jeff's networking will pan out. Hopefully, it won't be a long wait, but we will just have to see.

I thank everyone for their positive thoughts and prayers (yes, I am one of those who believe in prayer) There are so many kind people out there, and I appreciate all of you.

Although there are no pictures, (I haven't been keeping up with Ravelry much) I have been knitting up a storm. On my second pair of socks and working on whatever is in project bags at my feet.

So, keep those needles going and thanks for everything.

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